Under the sideways
the tree hugger queen
screams for science and reason
while bats with tattered wings
of locomotive men.
They dance half-naked in mountain pools,
demanding to know
why she wants to live forever.
--for the Shelleys
Fourteen Paragraphs on Distance Learning
check the link.
cut and paste.
<a/> then <a/>.
pour the coffee.
check the link.
open a window.
search for help.
the forked path teaches me why computers are like pipe organs and how to change the fan belt on a van that’ll never run again and the reason all movie pirates sound the same until Dog empties his lungs at the incredibly obese driver wresting a package from the grip of her bumperless car.
get the door.
thank the driver.
take the nod.
sweep the step
clean my cup.
check the link.
Note: Any takes on these new versions of earlier piece would, once again, be greatly appreciated.