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Captions will be added as they come. If any come. Let your imaginations rip.


a Very Special 70s Bathtub Xmas Card Shoot




Super 8 film. 3 min.




Before. 1 min 48 sec


After. 1 min 36 sec




The book is a heavy beast and cost a month’s salary, but I absolutely love it. It is an archive of much of what is most valuable to me (spaces, living in different buildings, cities, countries, the capturing of arrangements of objects that surround me - still lifes of my life.

Select pages below. The complete collection of images and full description of the book project are viewable in the previous month’s post further down.



2_Lipstick Poster.jpeg

This is a PDF proof of a book I’ve been working on. Photos of places I’ve lived in or stayed in for at least a night since the 1980s. It is related to my infatuation with rooms, “Impossible Spaces,” etc. I will upload photos of the physical hardcover book once it arrives.


Some beautiful wallpaper?

"Moments In Love" by Art of Noise


